Facebook comments
people commented in more than place so appear more than once
Jimmy himself
Jeff Hayne - Sad and shocked to hear that Jimmy has left
us . Condolences to Jimmy's family and his extended Blues family. I met Jimmy 2 years ago this very week when we were
bed neighbors at The Royal Free Hospital. His love for the Blues was so infectious and he gave me a copy of Hula Fire the
day I was discharged. I deeply regret that I never got the chance to see him again or watch him perform in person . RIP
Jimmy, the heavenly choir has a new front man
Michael Morphites
In Peace Jimmy. Thank you
Sylvia Boyd
saddened to hear this ...in high school years he had a glowing, warm energy
William Cardwell
is very sad news. Jimmy was a friend from Richmond, B.C.. Thank you Jimmy for your kindness and graciousness. You oozed love
and peace. Thank you for all the incredible musical events. Rest in Peace dear Jimmy.
Bessie Malagodi
deepest condolences, he was such a lovely guy
Peter Champion
Heide Baumgarten
faces x 3
Gabriela Alexander
faces x 3
Pete Georgas
picture from the early 80s.

Karen Frost
sad news, condolences to his family
Katie Bradley
of love and
best wishes
to you at this difficult time
Mike Blue
Beatrix Bernhard
sorry! What a great man! Still got the Blues, jimmyc..
Stanisław Szkawran
Hard to believe...
Georgia Karabali
bless you, give you strength and protect your little boy
Georgia Karabali
have to introduce my self. I'm very very close friend of Stella, mainly, and Despina. I have been many times in Samos. I met
Chrysoula, Maria, Jimmy and their parents, many years ago. I'm so sad about your loss.
Kat Pearson
Aga Maria S was an honour for Live Talking Blues to host the Jimmy C Tribute show on our channel. Myself and Patsy Highgate Patrizia Castagna wish you and your family all the best in health and happiness in keeping the memory
of Jimmy C present.
Emily Hannah
gave us so many happy hours of dancing and singing over the years, his warmth as a musician matched only by that of him as
a human being. We will really really miss him.
Charlie Harty
to hear this news Paul , Rest in peace Jimmy
Lee Simkin
least they put it up most of us get nothing I say go Jimmy play with the angles
Mike Blue
in shock. A huge loss to the blues community
Roy Gschwinder
Paul Soper really sorry for the lost of a good friend friend and brother
Liz Jackson
with the Angels Jimmy it's everyone o f us road to walk on some have to go before Blessings you're dearly missed
Re: concert on August 9th
Jacqueline Osley
was there and I loved it
Keef Sparrow
was at that gig last August - Jimmy made it a memorable show. I used to go to see loads of bands - sometimes several gigs
in a week and the very last band I saw before lockdown was the Bluesdragons in Southgate, and the first band band I saw after
lockdown was also the Bluesdragons. I am very sad to know I will never be able to see Jimmy and the band again. I only saw
them a few times but they made a big impression and I was looking forward to seeing them again.
Alison Payne
sorry. He kept music live and joyful during lockdown at St Mary's Tower.
Jacqueline Osley
news. He gave us all so much pleasure between the lockdowns at the concerts in St Mary's Tower Gardens. To have sung with
such gusto when he was already ill was so brave and breaks my heart
Jim Stoughton
completely gutted. Jimmy and I knew each other since we were 5 years old and I remember when he picked up his first guitar
was always a performer
Re: Jimmy and the
Lauren Rachel MissJones
became a fan Jimmy & The Blues Dragon's after stumbling in to Aint Nothing after a gig and ended up on stage with you
guys. An amazing sincere talented band & Jimmy just had everything. Cancer is the absolute worst. I lost my mum to it
last year and it's horrendous but what keeps me going through life is memories & Jimmy lived his life and was able to
love what he did, and did it so well. All my love and thoughts to all of his closest xxxx
Mark Bunker
Lived in London for two years (on work assignment from a US company) and was always on the lookout for a great
band. I found it in JimmyC’s band. Always a great jam and upbeat vib. RIP JimmyC. Condolences to his family and bandmates.
John Lewis
Shocked to hear such sad news. Saw Jimmy play in Broadstairs and he always looked so happy on or off stage.
Condolences to his family and friends. RIP Jimmy
Karen Reynolds
was the Life n soul of his gigs. Made everyone smile. He always called me up to play tambourine. Lovely, lovely man. Rest
in Peace Jimmy.
Jill Gordon
sad news, he will be missed greatly. His wonderful energy on stage was certainly felt by everyone. Condolences to Jimmys family
and the Dragons
Denise Pommier
condolences goes to the Coletsis family. Jimmy may your soul rest in peace
Zagor Rossi
awful. My condolences to all his family and friends.
Mhic MacGlashan
only played with Jimmy and the band once but it remains a fond memory of an excellent musical experience. He and the other
guys were very supportive of my efforts.
Max Bruno
I met Jimmy at a bar at the Angel, his band used to play there every weekend. He was great, a nice guy always smiling. May
God rest his Soul...
John Farrington
saddened to hear. Such a friendly, warm person and talented entertaining musician. Condolences to his family.
Char Eve
played at my son James wedding reception. I spent many hours with him. He loved a little Tequila. Great guy, great musician.
I'm truly upset at his passing. Always remembered. Dear Jimmy RIP. Big Mick.
Ruth Mignano
sad. Such a joy to watch - condolences to Jimmy's family and friends.
Gustavo Gomez
sorry hear this. RIP Jimmy. My sincere condolences to Aga and the children. Lots of love to you and thanks for your friendship
and influence.
Oh no! So Sad to read that. Jimmy was always smiling and very nice. Very good at the guitar as well.
Rip - fan from Norway
Frances Moule
sad news indeed. Love to hid family, band mates and friends x
David Stott
Rip Jimmy lovely man great musician always had a smile had the privilege of seeing you play a couple of times in Bromley and
tonbridge x
Dave Bennett
had the great pleasure of playing with Jimmy several times at the Archway Jam in Holloway some years back. He was a wonderful
person and always made playing with him something to remember. He was a wonderful guy. This is very sad news.
Lynn Shaw
sorry to hear this ,use to stay with us when he gigged in Broadstairs , many a good night down the Nep listening to Jimmy
C . RIP Jimmy x
Dee Rampling Lee
sad news. Lovely friendly chap and a good entertainer. Last saw him in Broadstairs 2020. Love to his family and friends.
Carol Kelly
the saddest, most shocking news l heard in a while such a lovely, accomplished, entertaining and friendly man. Truly upset
and moved. Broadstairs music scene won't be the same without him. Love to all his family. So so sad
Jonathan Berry
sorry to hear this. Jimmy was a lovely guy who brought a ray of sunshine onto the stage every time he performed. My heartfelt
condolences go out to his friends and family.
Grant Allen
Jimmy C, he gave us the best memories at The Kings Head. Always smiling and incredibly talented but so humble at the same
Gill Lea-Wilson
sorry to hear this. A special man, always a ray of sunshine. Condolences to his family and to the band. RIP Jimmy x
Simone Schuh
sad news. Thank you Jimmy for the fantastic shows in Aalen. We will miss you.
Col Hewison
an enigmatic performer a great loss to his fellow players and audiences alike.
Jill Connell
sad he always had such a lovely happy smile on his face love to his family and band members Xxx
Wendy Tobitt
sad to hear this news. The band played for us a few years ago and gave us a night to remember. Thank you Jimmy
Richard Moorhead
so sorry to hear such awful news. Always a blast to hear and watch the band. RIP Jimmy. You will be sorely missed.
Nicola Ghirardi
a sad news... saw him and his band so many times at Ain't nothing but... London will never be the same without him.
Keef Sparrow
sad to hear this. Jimmy and the Blues Dragons were the last band I saw before lockdown and the first after. He brightened
up any room he played in with that smile and his wonderful guitar playing. He will be missed by so many.
Erika Weber
Jimmy and what he brought to music. What a guy, will greatly be missed
Lauren Rachel MissJones
no this is awful, my heart goes out to Jimmy’s friends, family, band mates.
Tine Kluth
was the first step into my new life after an abusive relationship moving over to Finsbury park into Regan's wonderful house
and on moving-in-day we went to the "World's End" where Jimmy was playing and I saved his beer from my drunken flatmate.
From there a long friendship evolved, with many gigs and meeting new friends like Stevie, Paul, Antonio, Vera, Mickey...Jimmy
opened a whole new live for me. Dancing on his gigs was always fun and he was always so entertaining, positive , cheerful...most
I think right now about Aga, how hard it is for her to lose that ray of sunshine, I hope she copes..It is a very sad day and
I am shocked. He gave all of us so much.
Bottich Aalen
what a great musician
Terrible news - so sad to hear this
Keith Allen
terrible news. I don't remember ever seeing Jimmy without a smile on his face. Jimmy may have left us, but I'd like to think
he's having a Crossroads Boogie somewhere.
Steevan Glover
sad news - a brilliant performer
Nick Garner
sad - he was a gentleman I'm everyday. X
Jim Taylor
man, so sorry to hear about Jimmy's passing. During the few years i knew him, he always brightened my day, put a spring in
my step and made me realise nothing is as bad as it may seem. And one more thing, it's perfectly acceptable to hang an SM58
over the top of a blues junior! Tequila
David Mason
was a very nice guy! Alway polite and always had time to speak to people! I only knew him through his gigs at the Coach &
Horses and the Leytonstone blue jam! RIP, Jimmy will be missed!
Keith Allen
picture of an amazing musician and performer. RIP Jimmy. It greatly saddens me to think that I will never see your smiling
face on stage again.
Hugh Leighton
sorry to hear that. He was good enough to let me sing with him at a corporate do a few years back. We really nailed some Hendrix,
much to the surprise of my colleagues, many of who did not know I had a musical side to me. What a gent…
Keith Allen
and inspiring video. Jimmy overcoming adversity by Rocking, Rolling and having, A Whole Lotta Fun.
Col Hewison
much sums it up, thanks for the entertainment, cheers Jimmy.
Sue Revell
sad about Jimmy’s passing...he really was very special and we had some brilliant blues nights with him...hope you are
Max Bruno
met Jimmy at the Angel a long time ago when he used to play in a pub down there, he was an amazing musician, everybody loved
Jimmy. Great loss but I'm sure he'll make people happy in heaven...!!
Agnieszka Nowak-Górska
met Jimmy at his weddind party. He had seem very happy
Lesley Kaye
We are so sorry to hear the sad news. We knew Jimmy from the sailing and windsurfing club and he was always cheerful
and full of life. We send our blessings Lesley and Martyn Davies
Anne Whyte
a stage shared with Jimmy over the years and the Blues Dragpns...a long while even pre COVID that we"d seen him...RIP

Steve Delaney
Pic of my dear friend Jimmy
Marie-Jo Grosjean
seldom to see a picture, where Jimmy is without his guitar. It's a great lost for all blues friends especially those who knew
Jimmy. RIP
Darrell Pughe
condolences to you George and your family I am shocked to see this RIP Jimmy
Tom Rushton
I am so sad to hear this ! Your vibrant, energetic, creative, young brother was a blessing to the world. Again this cancer
thing leaves another little hole in my heart !
Giorgos Koliovetas
buy my friend I remember you
Steve Ashton
moon's ago... The Fountain... West Green Road...
Kevin Appleton
memory of Jimmy C, He was gracious enough to play at my birthday party, what a great night, Jimmy was always generous with
his music and his time to socialize, he was one of the hi lights of the Broadstairs Blues Bash for us , he always gave us
a great gig, and we shall miss that raised finger and " Just one more song" and his ever present smile. Our heart
felt condolences to his family.
Peter Else
Aga Maria S i will never forget ,Jimmy ,he stood out as a musician ,who wasn't on a massive ego
trip , like others , he was so friendly , i still remember the 1st time i saw The Bluesdragons , and noticing that huge smile
,as he played brilliant songs .Jimmy came up by us at the bar ,and we complimented him ,he was pretty humble , It was the
Wrotham Arms ,Broadstairs on a rocking friday night
From Germany and abroad
FLEX Flechsler
30 May at 22:05 ·
R.I.P. My dear Friend & Blues Bro

Uli Phlaegs Flechsler
Tine Kluth
bin grade heute an seinem Haus vorbeigelaufen...und dann spaeter der Schock...Jimmy war a sunray und wird ein grosses Loch
I just walked past his house today... and then later the shock... Jimmy was a
sunray and will leave a big hole...
Benjamin Landes
my Friend jimmy C
Svend Renkenberger
Bin sprachlos !!
RIP Jimmy
WTF! Am speechless!!
Petra Müller
Ti Mes
Carlo Nachtmann
nein! Das ist sehr traurig
Oh no! Oh no! This is very sad
Katharina Reimann
Shu Shu
Werner Bihlmaier
RIP Jimmy
Oh no
Walter Belge
C? Ich fass es nicht!
Jimmy C? I can't believe it!
Eva Maria Lützenburg
face emoji
Michael Diebold
Sad news, kann’s nicht glauben. RIP Jimmy C
No!!!!! Sad news, can't believe it. RIP Jimmy
Heide Baumgarten
sad face emojis
Oli Sturm
sad, we’ll never forget him
Bernd Adrian
Jimmy C
Heidi Marie Holz
Flex, das tut mir leid.
Oh Flex I'm sorry about that.
Constanze Weigle
wie traurig ...Nie mehr grooven mit Jimmy C...so viel lebendige Lebensfreude hat er uns gegeben...r.i.p.
how sad ... Never grooving with Jimmy C anymore... he gave us so much joy in life... r.i.p.
Pascal Legent
Sheet nous avions eu le plaisir de le programmer à plusieurs reprise la grande époque de la CODALIE Rip
Jimmy he was an amazing guy and great musician. We will remenber you
Patricia Verhoye
confirme grand monsieur
Pietro De Paoli
believe it!! One of the greatest musicians ever seen! His unforgettable smile during his gigs made me always happy and forget
the bad things!!
R.I.P. great man!
Couré Marie José
Aga Maria, je vous adresse, ainsi qu’à toute votre famille, mes sincères condoléances.
assisté à un concert à Londres de Jimmy et les Blues Dragons. Ils ont été formidables,
spécialement Jimmy, qui ai venu discuter durant l’intervalle.
C’est une personne humble, généreuse
et d’une gentillesse extrême. J’emploie le présent pour parler de lui, car il restera toujours présent
dans mon souvenir. Bon courage x x
Couré Marie José
Aga Maria, I extend my sincere condolences to you and your whole family.
Attended a concert in London Jimmy and the
Blues Dragons. They were great, especially Jimmy, who came to chat during the intervals.
He is a humble,
generous and extreme kindness person. I use the present to talk about him, because he will always remain in my memory. Good
luck x x
Anastasio Paolo
love you Jimmy we will not forget you. Τάσος from Samos....
Markus Müller
Jimmy es ist viel zu früh. Du warst ein Lichtblick an den Reichsstädter Tagen in Aalen, Du und The Blues Dragons.
a sunshine by the other side
Markus Müller
Jimmy it's way to early. You were a bright spot on the Reichsstadt days in Aalen, you and The Blues Dragons.
a sunshine by the other side
From Pete Feenstra:
few words to remember the late Anglo-Canadian bluesman JIMMY C.
As with many of the people who have always
seemingly been in your life, I can’t quite remember when I first bumped into Jimmy on the London gig circuit.
Archive interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep9D0S115yA
Review: http://www.bluesdragons.com/id2.html
This year would have been THE BLUES DRAGONS 20th anniversary,
so I’m guessing it must have been at the beginning of the millennium.
Either way,
it was a combination of his ready smile, his optimistic outlook on things and the way he’d plug in and play with a ‘can
do’ spirit that made a big impression on me.
Above all, he was a truly humble guy. In a
business where egos frequently run out of control, Jimmy was just happy to pursue his craft in methodical, understated way,
but always with the emphasis on having fun.
Typical of the man, I’d ask how things
were going and he’d reply ‘we’re getting there’ and leave it at that. Only later did I discover he'd
been touring places like Russia, Canada, Greece and Japan to play his fun filled blues.
And fun and
feel were the keys for Jimmy. He played the blues the way he felt them, in a joyous uninhibited manner that confirmed his
view that blues can be celebratory and good time music, as much as it can touch deeper emotions.
And deep emotion is what I feel for a guy who really did make my life a whole lot richer for having known him! Rock
on Jimmy C #jimmycoletsis #jimic #bluesdragons #paulsoper #mrA — with Aga Maria S and
24 others
1 June ·
I heard the news yesterday and I
still can't quite absorb the reality. Jimmyc Coletsis was a long time fixture on the blues scene in London and far beyond.
played regularly at Ain't Nothin But and other venues around London, and also toured all over the UK, and all over Europe
regularly. He was known and loved by so many;, and anyone who's seen his live performances knows what joyful, rocking, raucous,
and very fun events they are.
I sat in with Jimmy C on a number of occasions, mostly at the blues
bar but also at other places including the Balham Bowls Club, where he was also a regular performer for a number of years
when they had live gigs there.
Last year, just before lockdown (the first lockdown, we had a few of
those), Jimmy and I played a duo gig at The Boathouse, a lovely little venue on the banks of the River Roding in Barking.
It was a Leap Year gig, and seemed very special for the bonus day we had. They loved our set, and promised to bring us back.
we have the memories. Over time, these will serve as happy reminders of fantastic times.
For now, we're
all consumed with mourning the loss of a great man, and a great friend. My most sincere condolences to his wife Aga Maria and to his entire family.
Rest in peace Jimmy C. We're all indebted for
everything you gave to us, and are grateful for all that you shared.
Tom Brundage
Aga Maria S Yes, our gig at The Boathouse was just before the first lockdown. They had already
told me they planned on having us back to play again. Everyone loved Jimmy's music that night, just like every night he played,
I've added the 14 August date in my calendar and would love to join your tribute, your celebration.
I saw Jimmy play on many occasions and, in addition to the duo gig we played, I had the chance to sit in with him and the
Bluesdragons a number of times. It will be a real treat and a privilege to have the chance to listen to Jimmy's stuff once
more. Count me in.
Thanks so much for letting me know, Aga. Don't you worry, I'll be remembering Jimmy, and you
31 May ·
I have so many nice memories with Jimmy over
the years...our friendship started when he and his amazing band used to play once a week at the live music venue I managed
for few years. I was impressed by his talent and professionalism. Always in time and ready to go, with the energy and will
to give the public a very good time...one song after the other....One more??? He always said. He never wanted to stop playing.
he supported me when I studied sound engineering letting me record him..my first ever studio recording!. And when I came back
to play drums again he straight away invited me to play with him and I played with him many gigs. It was always fun...I loved
playing with Jimmy!!. We travel together....we did few tours together. We play music and tennis together for many years and
I never gonna forget our very deep conversations. He was a philosopher and a very wise man. Always positive and with a big
heart. He called me Amigo and I will never forget him. Thank you Amigo for everything. It’s been a honour and a pleasure.
We’ll meet again soon and we’ll play music and tennis again soon.
31 May ·
My condolences to Jimmy's family and friends.
one thing I liked about Jimmy was that his love of music had no ego attached to it. IT made listening to him play such an
enjoyable experience.
RIP my friend.
31 May ·
My deepest and sincere condolences
to Family and Friends. Jimmyc Coletsis, a kind soul with a big heart. We have lost and heaven has gained a fantastic Blues Brother.
Rest In Peace Jimmy.
Colin Fitzpatrick
so sorry to hear about you friend Jimmy. Prayers to him and his family.
Juanita Chapman
is in Gods Paradise may he R.I.P.
Dmitri Kazantsev
sad (( we played with him twice
Cindy Burnett
condolences to their family. Peace, love and strength.
Debra Byrne Beaver
sorry hun prayers for his family and friends
Lisa Ruocco
sad news. Jimmy had time for everyone
Gerry Reisig
looked like a kind soul, so sorry for you and his families loss.
Gabriela Arriaga
condolences to friends and especially his family.
Josie Samaniego
sorry for your loss, my sympathy to his family and friends
31 May ·
Really sorry to hear the news about
Jimmyc Coletsis and him losing his battle to cancer. He was a great friend to the Blues Bash and an amazing
artist, wonderful to play with and always so musically generous. If ever anyone said blues was too depressing l would point
them in the direction of Jimmy C as he ALWAYS had the house a rocking. Such a loss. l will really really miss him. RIP
Joff Watkins
news. Always had a happy face on stage.
Ben Mills
put Nigel. He’s going to be sadly missed by so many. X
Katie Bradley
sad news, loved Jimmy - I will miss our chats xx
Chris Berry
man with a smile that'll live forever, sad news....
Bessie Malagodi
sad, he was such a lovely man.
Graham Burns
sad to hear this.
31 May ·
My cousin!!! Samos, Mykali, Summer 2020!!!
Titia Kontaxis-Rakers
Ωχ Despoina Kaila, τώρα διαβάζω ότι
έφυγε ο Jimmy.... πολύ ωραίος
άνθρωπος και μουσικός!
Συλλυπητήρια στην οικογένεια!
Titia Kontaxis-Rakers
now reading Jimmy is gone.... very nice person and musician! Condolences to the family!
Despoina Kaila
you very much! We will always remember his music and huge smile!!
George Kontaxis
το πιστεύω... Καλό ταξίδι
Τζιμάκο. Συλλυπητήρια
Μαρία, Χρυσούλα και οικογένεια.
We all loved him. RIP Jimmy.
George Kontaxis
can't believe it... Have a nice trip Jimako. Condolences Maria, Chrisoula and family. We all loved him. RIP Jimmy.
Christos Fakas
τα θερμά μου συλλυπητήρια
για την απώλεια του Jimmy, δεν
μπορώ να το χωνέψω με τίποτα,
περιμέναμε πως και πως να
βρεθούμε και φέτος το
καλοκαίρι με όνειρα και
σχέδια μουσικά.....Μεταβίβασε
και στις αδελφές του
την αγάπη μου αν μπορείς
σε παρακαλώ.....
Christos Fakas
my deepest condolences for Jimmy's loss, I can't stomach it with anything, we couldn't wait to meet again this summer with
dreams and plans musically..... Pass on to his sisters my love if you can please ..........
Virginia Stavrou
θα ξεχάσω το γλυκό και
φωτεινό χαμόγελο του!!
Καλό ταξίδι Jimmy.. Συλλυπητήρια
καλή ανάπαυση να εχει ψυχούλα
Virginia Stavrou
won't forget his sweet and bright smile!! Have a nice trip Jimmy.. Condolences may he rest in peace
Irene Linardaki
μου θερμά συλληπητήρια
Irene Linardaki
lady, deepest condolences
Diamando Sophie
Δέσποινα στην οικογένεια
σας, τον θυμάμαι που τον
είδα ένα καλοκαίρι στο
number 9 με τον Χρήστο σε όμορφες
ροκιές! Κρίμα!
Diamando Sophie
Despina to your family, I remember seeing him one summer at number 9 with Christos in beautiful rockies! It's a shame!
31 May ·

Thanks to Jessica A. Gihon for this Awesome Photo of Jimmy and I getting down and having fun, always ready to “Raise
the Roof” Jimmy grabs a glass of a Music Lover and pulls-out a wicked Slide Solo. We’re really gonna miss him,
and as I know what Jimmy would say…. Let’s remember the Good Times, and feel Blessed we got to play Music with
Good Friends! RIP Jimmy, gone but never forgotten!
Rick Durham
Heather Black
Steven Ades
is an awesome photo to treasure
Donna Hazelwood
Holly Cliffe
did not know you knew him. What a beautiful image to honour him with. Love it.

31 May ·
After forty odd years of friendship, music
and many laughs (I am hearing his laugh as I write this) I lost a good friend today.
Jimmy was
a mainstay in the Vancouver Music scene before moving to London and forming Jimmy C and The Blues Dragons.
was the only person I knew when I first moved to the UK so he thought he would introduce me to Drew & Brenda, two of the
craziest people I know who have become very close friends.
Jimmyc Coletsis for everything!
Love you lots mi amigo and I'll see you on the other
side where you can introduce me to more crazy people! Here is the last photo I took of you in remembrance..
31 May ·

A Henry Pietraszek original of Jimmyc
Great form for a grade 10 student
Nice work Hank
30 May ·
Heartbroken and devastated....
So sad day today... - My old friend since 2005, beautiful soul and great musician Jimmy C aka Jimmyc Coletsis have left us today and now is playing his blues in heaven...
Jimmy C is
and always will be holding a record of number of Russian tours (9!) and number of Russian cities where he have played his
sunshine optimistic blues.
And he'll always will keep a place in my heart as dear friend and pioneer
British Blues Invader, real Trail Blazer!..
I knew it from the very beginning that Jimmy been diagnosed
with pancreatic cancer - Jimmy wrote me over two years ago about it, right after it was discovered - but like everyone who
ever met Jimmy C, I can't believe he'll ever give up, and looking at him - so optimistic, so positive and generating light,
love and happiness - I was sure he'll beat fucking cancer and win - he's got so much to fight and stay alive for!..
all lost one of the nicest, kindest, funniest and happiest blokes we could ever meet... But I've lost a friend today...
and my heartbroken self sending our deepest condolences to his family and to all the folks who knew and loved Jimmy!...
he rock in peace forever!
Miss you my friend!..
Boris Litvintsev
shocked and heartbroken...
Jimmy's passing will leave a massive hole in my heart...
Niall Kelly
sad day. I’ll miss his beautiful smile and great music. Was a pleasure to know and work with him.
Owen Houlston
lovely tribute Boris to a truly lovely bloke. Such a sad day-he’ll be missed.
sad news… R.I.P., Sunshine Man…
Alex Huss-Oates
to hear that Boris, he was such a lovely guy
Jack Hutchinson
sad to hear the news. Jimmy was a lovely guy who always had a smile on his face. He will be massively missed by a lot of people.
Jenni Williams
shocked - such a lovely man
sad... R.I.P.
Richard Townend
is a terrible shock, I am so saddened to hear that Boris.
Nik Gibson
tragic news... I am shocked and saddened by this.
Mitch Harp Hog Greaves
was lucky enough to jam with him, a couple of new year's eve back at ANB. A friendlier, more welcoming musician you could
never wish to meet. A sad loss
Sergei Sergeev
smile remains forever, RIP Jimmy!
Rosco Levee
guy. Jammed with him many times!
Margaret Rowse
sad, I met him a few times when we did his visa, he was such a nice person, so polite to us all. So sorry for his family and
Jamie Williams
used to see Jimmy 20 years ago or so at the bassment blues jam ,Richard pavitt used to bring him down . Then saw him again
a couple of years ago at broadstairs with his brilliant band. Lovely guy and great musician xx
Igor Marchenko
a sad news... I grieve with you about this sunny guy
Roy Loshak
So sad news…
R.I.P., Jimmy.
память! Невозможно поверить!
Светлейший человек!
Всегда будем помнить!
memory! Can't believe it! The brightest man! We will always remember!
роман мельников
как же так , Очень Жаль,
помню его приезд с тобой
на Дельта Невы в Юсуповском
и не только ....
роман мельников
how so, I am very sorry, I remember his visit to the Neva Delta in Yusupovsky and more....
Boris Litvintsev
роман мельников Jimmy был первым, кого
я привёз в Россию. Он настоящий
первопроходец и пионер
Британского блюзового
Я мой самый
давний и самый близкий
друг на британской блюзовой
Огромная личная
потеря для меня...
Boris Litvintsev
роман melʹnikov Jimmy was the first person I brought to Russia. He is a true pioneer and pioneer of
the British blues invasion.
I'm my oldest and closest friend on the British blues scene...
huge personal loss for me...
Arkadiy Abramov
очень очень. Благодаря
тебе, играли с ним несколько
раз, помню улыбка не сходила
с его лица. Даже не верится...
Искренне соболезную.
Arkadiy Abramov
a pity, very very very. Thanks to you, played with him several times, I remember the smile didn't come from his face. I can't
believe it... Sincerely sorry.
Ramil Magasumov
память и Царствие небесное,
Egor Gorkin
Egor Gorkin
great loss (((
30 May ·

read the news today, oh boy...
Disappointing to hear that Jimmyc Coletsis is no longer with us, having succumbed to pancreatic cancer at the young age (to me, anyway)
of only 61. I remember jamming with him at the old Yale in downtown Vancouver, where I was briefly a member of the Blues Dragons,
and had some good times with him in London in 1999. Interestingly, at the time he lived in an English town called Bishops
Stortford, which of course has some family connection -- it is where Auntie Ida lived. (My dad's aunt)
are the only photos I could find of the two of us together, taken at the Yale -- not sure of the year, but I would imagine
it was in the early 90s. If you can identify the other musicians shown here let me know!
Jim Bermingham
Went to Cap College with him in 80 and then ran into him in London at Not Just Another Blues Bar with a house gig
there no less! it was in 2006 when I played with Cal Batchelor , RIP to Both
Simon Hardman
sad news.
I met him a long long time ago.
So sorry to hear this news Colin.
too young to be checking out.
30 May ·
Jimmyc Coletsis
You are a legend, we love you.. & we will see you
on the other side.
All of my love to those of you who feel this loss. Jimmy was a wonderful
man, friend, musician and contribution to our lives. Rest In Peace dearest Jimmy. I’ll miss you
Darren L Robinson
to hear this
Kandy Menzies
always had a crush on him as a young girl. My heart breaks for his family
Diane Cardwell
beautiful soul to play his music with the other legends in heaven. RIP Jimmy C
John Kaethner
heartfelt condolences to his family and those who feel his loss. He was a great guy and a fun and entertaining companion and
a good friend. I miss him.
30 May · London ·

Jimmyc Coletsis & the blues dragons what can I say, you were a beautiful person, I'm so saddened to
hear your gone from this world, but I'm so happy your not suffering, the world energy has changed and your light lives on
in the next form. I will miss you buddy, safe travels and rest in peace x
Vix En Caruana
Jimmy C!
Michele Britton
Vix En Caruana I know Hun
Nik Gibson
was the first act I ever saw perform at the Round Midnight.
He'll be sorely missed.
30 May ·
I'm stunned and saddened by the
loss of Jimmyc Coletsis. I'm actually lost for words, for once. His influence on me as an audience or band member
was unfailingly positive.
Let us keep his spirit alive, if we possibly can.
Tim Aves
very very sad.
Bonnie Taylor
sad news. Such a lovely, warm and talented guy. We'll all miss him. Thinking of his family at this saddest of times. R.I.P.
Terry Duggan
for words, devastated.
Mike Blue
great human a real musicians musician
Ed Furst
played with him once, as a rather superfluous guest guitarist, but I remember I just felt I belonged anyway.
Bonnie Taylor
Ed Furst Yeah, Jimmy was a wonderful encourager. He always invited me up to sing when he saw
me in an audience, and always with that beaming smile... made me feel my contribution was worth something to him, at least.
Georges Majerus
Pete Feldon
Dave Piggott
news - so sad to hear this
30 May ·
I just learned that our friend Jimmy
died. He was such a wonderful person, always smiling and so happy and entertaining with his music. He will leave a big hole.
Cancer is not fair. Again. It has taken too many wonderful friends already. Continue the great gig in the sky, Jimmyc Coletsis! We will miss you!! It's always the best ones that go!
Debs Shine
so sorry for your loss, and sending actual real "thoughts and prayers" to his friends and family.
30 May ·
Sincere condolences to the family and friends of Jimmyc Coletsis. A wonderful guy and committed bluesman who I always saw as smiling, happy and friendly.
I just found out that he passed away from pancreatic cancer. This photo, taken by Maria Coletsis, was from a gig that Jimmy
hired me on at the FanClub. It was a blast and I will always consider myself a Bluesdragon of “Jimmy C and the Bluesdragons”.
Jimmy followed his dream as a professional musician in England and I was happy to get to play with him several times when
he visited BC. The Bluesdragons gig pictured below was a blast. So sorry for the loss of this great bluesman.
Eric Andrew Franklin Thorsteinson
Thanks for sharing ..... Sadly I never knew Jimmy ( nor did I get a chance to meet or be introduced to him ) .... I did see
him play at the Pumphouse many times with Johnny and the guys ...... He was a very good guitar player. The first time I saw
him, he was playing a red Gibson 335 .... he struck me as shy, but a regular guy ..... I'm sorry for this terrible loss.....
Sending prayers for all his musical colleagues, friends, family and loved ones......
From Paul’s announcement
Peter Schlipf
is staggering news!!:-(
Tim Aves
tragic news. How very sad.
Michelle Sandison
sorry to hear this
Waschbrett Bauch (Flex)
So sad Paul so sad…
Helen Probert
Paul, I’m so, so sorry. I can’t believe it. Such an incredibly special unique bundle of spirit and joy and wonderfulness.
Sending lots of love to you all and to Jimmy’s family. Such a massive loss.
Alan Shadbolt
Paul Soper, I,m stunned, I've just texted Stevie for confirmation, he'll be missed by so many on the
music scene. my prayers go out to his family.
Michael Sawin
believe it. I never saw him without a smile on his face. Regards to his family
Chris Lafbury
news. I didn't know him well but he seemed like a really nice bloke and an excellent musician. My sincere condolences to his
family and friends.
Jim Taylor
love. RIP Jimmy
Sam Kelly
read Paul's news about Jimmy C. Such a shock. R. I. P Jimmy.
Wayne Mills
still in shock I can't believe it. He will be missed terribly
Ben Shadbolt
so sad. I owe a lot to Jimmy regarding music. He will truly missed and was a one of a kind. Love to his family.
Clive Nash
sad news, my deepest sympathy and condolences to his family R.I.P.
Tine Kluth
was a great shock to hear those sad news today. He was such a wonderful person and will leave behind a big hole. I am so sad,
this is just not fair.
Ian Carvell
sorry to hear that Paul; such a lovely guy and far too young to leave us......
Yolly Ingley
that is sad news...always enjoyed listening to him in The Railway days and Steve sat in with him a few times. A generous and
happy guy. As usual dedicated musicians continue playing as long as humanly possible and I did see the vids of him playing
very recently.....what a champ.
Mike Blue
I’m so so sorry to hear this. A great musician and a wonderful human. I’m so shocked. Sending love and hugs to
the family and his many friends
Kate Zaitz
no! Terrible news!
My deepest condolences..
Boris Litvintsev
Jack O'Shea
sad news to hear. Rest In Peace Jimmy C
Adamski Adam
sorry to hear of death of your great longstanding band member Paul. Thoughts for Jimmy s family and other close friends.
Keef Sparrow
sad news. Jimmy brightened up every room he played in with his dazzling smile and guitar playing
Mar Todani
sorry for your loss…Sincere condolences
Julien D'Imperio
What?! Jimmy C!.
How sad... I can't believe it.. Such a nice guy... So sad... I can't believe it..RIP Jimmy..
Keith Geddes
brain went straight to G.... but even so.,,sorry for your loss...the no holds barred showman...as i remember he had illness...
still sad..
Bex Marshall
sorry to hear this .. a great musician and heart of
Gold .. bless him
Gustavo Gomez
big loss for all of us.
Jake Zaitz
Niall Kelly
Jimmy. A wonderful soul - sorry for your loss Paul.
Lee Simkin
told me last night real shame only met him once but seamed a good bloke you will have to wait a long time to play with him
again there is a good band massing up there
Owen Houlston
sorry to hear that Paul-deepest sympathy, he was an absolute gem of a bloke
Dave Stein
sad news to hear, R.i.P Jimmy
Chris Mcsweeney
news Paul. Sorry for your loss
Maurice McElroy
sad news Paul.
Andy James
is so sad. He was a man who really loved playing music and always did it with a smile on his face. May you rest in peace Jimmy.
Kevin Hillier
believe it. Such a wonderful brave man.
Zagor Rossi
this is a shock. I'm really going to miss him. Always had time for people. Always had that big smile. My deepest sympathies
to his Family and Friends. RIP
Bobbie Hindman
shocked to read this. When I think of Jimmy C the first thing that comes to mind is that huge smile. I didn’t know him
well but he will be greatly missed. So sorry for your loss Paul x
Pete Feenstra
sad Paul, a real uplifting and unique presence on the London blues-rock scene for many years.....
Mandy Instrell
I’m so sorry to hear that, Paul. Heartfelt condolences for your loss x
Bezdomny Tibber
so sorry to hear that. I didn't know that him well but whenever I did meet him / chat with him he was always fun, kind and
very generous. Love to all his friends and family x
David Tims
So sad to hear this news Paul Soper, an incredible guy, musician and a huge loss to the community.
David Mason
news. I didn't know him very well, He was so friendly and nice to speak to, he was a really nice bloke and an excellent musician
too boot. My sincere condolences to his family and friends.
Johnny Driver
am so very sorry to learn of Jimmy’s passing.
Rest in Peace Mr.C.
Barry Rosen
How incredibly sad Paul, Please send our condolences to his
Barry Jackson
sorry to hear this news Paul. Very sad indeed. My
best wishes to you and his family.
Liz Jackson
Jimmy C will miss you and your beautiful singing and your quality of entertainment . My condolences to your family.gone too
Blessings you're with the Angels
Dave Piggott
news - so sad to hear this
John O'Leary
shocked and sad to hear that he has passed away. He was always a joy to listen and play with. Such a buoyant personality.
Anthony Chong
sorry to hear that, Paul. Sympathies to the band and his family.
John Kaethner
is very sad to think we will never see Jimmy again. He was a good friend and a fellow musician. I always enjoyed playing gigs
with him. His passing has affected me deeply. I can only imagine how his family are feeling.
Rest in peace
my good friend.
Albi Audsley
John Kaethner at least we know if there's an afterlife he'll have the jams sorted for when we get
Aga Maria S
Albi Audsley Jimmy would definitely laugh with us i am sure he is already setting up!
Albi Audsley
Aga Maria S already on his third encore x
Gini Hobson
words will take his place.. or reveal his presence in the world that he left...
But the people that
speak about them..love you...
Tobias Stütz
It‘s not real Paul Soper or?
Gustavo Gomez
was an awesome friend. Such a great influence in life and music. Can’t believe he is gone. Life is so brutal.
Mik Jacobs
to hear Paul.
Max Bruno
guy. Will always be remembered..
Stew Perry
to hear this - so sad
sorry to hear this,Paul...i know you were close...please, if you are in contact with his family, my condolences.
RIP Jimmy, Paul Dufour
Nelson Kummer
for sharing, You had some amazing times with Jimmy. He was a great frontman and musician. Sorry for your loss.
Ian Carvell
have been some good memories for you Paul; all those trips abroad with the band......tbh I still can’t quite believe
it and I’m sure neither can you!
Sheila Presley
be greatly missed Paul RIP
Stuart Broderick
Obituary Notices and funeral postings
Nik Gibson
tribute to a London legend
Jessica A. Gihon
a wonderful tribute to Jimmy...
Peter Schlipf
article, can't believe he's gone -
Zagor Rossi
touching. I'm really going to miss Jimmy. Always had time for everyone. Great musician.
Jack O'Shea
wonderful soul
James Forster
Ace Giggs
was a great favourite at the Broadstairs Blues Bash; as a friend said the other day, "He was one of the main reasons
I went.
We got some great videos too.
Heidi Jansen
is how I will remember him.
Julie Peek
Always happy blues rock. Sure will be missed by myself and many others. Jimmyc was unique and an inspiration. I'm honoured to have known him.
Luke Reilly
saw him perform once in 2015 at Blues Kitchen. Superb night and wondferul performer. Great band too! Cycled past him once
performing in crouch and recognised him so he stuck with me. Will always remember the night he gave me back in wintry 2015.
Sad to see hear of his passing
Nancy Alford
Aga. Thinking of you all today and cherishing the life of Jimmy.
I watched the service and shed many tears .
What a wonderful tribute to your husband Jimmy. He will be deeply missed.
Amy Soper
forgot nothing Aga it was the most brilliant speech and encapsulated Jimmy so well. I am sorry not to be there in person today
but in August we will celebrate life as we should - much love xxxx
Sam Kelly
glad I was able to be at the service along with so many others.
Josephine Dagley
Aga, I watched it online from Samos. So great to be able to do that. It really was a beautiful and original service.. You
did Jimmy proud! Hope to see you one day in Samos or London. Rest in peace dear Jimmy. And again condolences to all the family.
Ute Hadmut Franke
you for being with all of you ! You did everything great.A lot of strength for you in the future.He will always be with you.
Peter Else
watched the livestream Aga ,you were brilliant ,and showed your love & care ,i know from experience, how difficult it
is,getting through the tribute ,and ,Father Sean ( ?) was very compassionate to ,Jimmy is still with you ,and will look after
you and your children ,take care x
Wolfgang Meier
Aga, wir haben die Trauerfeier auf youtube verfolgt. Es war eine sehr bewegende und emotional ergreifende Messe. In Gedanken
Sind wir bei Dir. Herzliche Grüße Wolfgang und Monika
Wolfgang Meier
Aga, we followed the funeral service on youtube. It was a very moving and emotionally poignant fair. We are with you in thoughts.
Warm greetings Wolfgang and Monika
Claire Jenkinson
was a beautiful service u showed great strength Aga and it's clear that as much as u mentioned Jimmy accepted his path,
you also show that you too have gracefully accepted the journey you shared. Peace be with you
Kevin Appleton
Aga, i watched the service yesterday, it was very moving, and you showed such great strength and compassion, it certainly
choked me up, but best to remember all the good times and that ever present smile , thinking of you all
Vinnie Reck
very sad. Well done Aga. Lovely tribute
David Mason
sad to see this board!
Emily Hannah
gave us so many happy hours of dancing and singing over the years, his warmth as a musician matched only by that of him as
a human being. We will really really miss him.
Dave Clou
celebration of life last night in Jimmy’s home town
So much love inspired by him
David Oliver
no no! This is too sad ! Not my Jimmy c...He was so so special! I managed to link up with him a few years ago and have so.e
Beers and he got to know my family and we went to some of his gigs ..he was class...I'm heartbroken !
Anastasia Manousaki
sad indeed, I was in shock when I found out, such a warm and happy guy!
Patrick Naughton
a gentle soul!
Alan Pulham
to hear this news RIP Jimmy C...
David Oliver
Alan Pulham im so shocked ..he came to mind recently ..we would cross paths now and again in a
pub like maynard or Villiers or Church bar Muzzy hill ...he lit up all our lives ...heaven's gain is our loss ...gonna be
hard to get over losing him i am proud to have known
Brian Barnard-james
brought brilliance, rhythm, and amazing good feeling to all, who not only new him personally, but his audiences wherever he
and the group played,
Sadly missed ,but allways in our soul.
Cindy Sahota - beautiful tribute. Thank you
Ace Giggs
was a great favourite at the Broadstairs Blues Bash; as a friend said the other day, "He was one of the main reasons
I went.
We got some great videos too.
Heidi Jansen
is how I will remember him
Ute Hadmut Franke
Aufnahmen! Da geht einem das Herz auf und gleichzeitig könnte man nur heulen !
Ute Hadmut Franke
shots! Da makes your heart open and at the same time you could just cry!
Andrew Broomfield
will definitely be there via the streaming: 4:30am in Victoria Australia! Thank you so much for the information and the opportunity.
wife and I are both friends of Jimmy. Actually he was with me the moment I first met her 23 years ago!
of love from
Andrew and Shizu
Jessica A. Gihon
AM in Sechelt but I will be there, I would not miss it for the world...
Ilona Lanc-Stachurska
Aga Maria S you are amazing! Rainy blessings from heaven to you all during this difficult time It's
amazing how you want to honor your husband's memory I wish you beyond natural powers, endless spirit and new ideas. Big hugs
Mike Blue
Beatrix Bernhard
sorry! What a great man! Still got the Blues, jimmyc...
Katie Bradley
of love and
best wishes
to you at this difficult time
Steve Mclean
a smile on his face no matter how tough it is
Emily Hannah
Oh Aga Maria S this fills me with so much joy. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,
he was a sublime and generous musician who gave us so much. I’m so grateful I was there for this and all the other times.
He could turn rain into sunshine and frequently did. Xxxx
Albi Audsley
Aga Maria S I think when the time is right for you and your family all those people that have played
with him over the years should get together and do a super jam in his honour play his favourites think it would make him smile
Phil Pawsey
charming and friendly but most of all generous musician. Loved playing with Jimmy and he always made it about the song - never
playing too much and giving others a spot in the limelight.
Steve Taylor
I was once jamming with Jimmyc Coletsis , and as he's so welcoming to other musicians, someone in the audience thought we were
an established band and booked us! After 5 minutes on stage with Jimmy, you're a lifetime band member Such a sad
From Gambler’s Blues Poem posting
31 May ·
So sad today cant even say but this is my Mentor
my brother my very dear friend with so many memories and oh how we will miss him broken hearted today so sad to see and hear
the news today ole boytill we roll again cuthererip
Jacqueline K Wilkinson
very sorry for the loss of your friend my condolences to and his family
Chris Dagg
news indeed bud. Rest In Peace Jimmy
Leah Rushton
condolences. Too much loss recently of folks who should have enjoyed many more years.
Kari Mul-howard
sad to hear of this.
Jimmy was always so kind to me. Greeted me with a huge smile no matter how long it had been
since we had seen each other.
Days or years, always the same happy & welcoming greeting.
will be missed by many.

Mark Chubak
sad. I have many fond memories of us living and playing together back in the early years. Rip Jimmy, my friend . My condolences
to the Coletsis family.
Michael Schroeder
to hear...my condolences to the family and friends
Ross Frehlick
sorry to hear of Jimmy’s passing Brad. He was such a good guy. Rest In Peace Jimmy
Guy Redmond
can’t believe this sorry to here Brad Rip Jimmy keep that smile you always had
Gary Scullion
sorry Brad , wow I used to love watching him play a real inspiration. RIP Jimmy
Dave Hart
really beautiful....seems like a good human to celebrate my friend.
Dave Hart
be sad, be happy for having known people like this
Rick Klaver
life taken far too soon. You will be missed Jimmy!!!